Falvey won't let me hook up power on my property
Falvey won't let me hook up power on my property
DP@f3e21c7d Saturday 21st September 2024, 17:38:32Been working on this property about 2 years. Decided I was sick of sweating to death and getting bit by mosquitoes so I contacted Versant and asked them how to start the process of getting power set up. They failed to mention permitting and requiring code enforcement to sign a form stating the property isn't a restricted subdivision.
Long story short; $5,500 later I bring the form to the town office. The lady behind the desk gives me attitude and says they aren't letting people hook up power unless they have a house on the property, but she'd ask Mike. He brings me back to his office and tells me he won't sign the form because I didn't go in the order he prefers, and he wants a septic design plan before power (which is funny because I later found out he is a certified septic tank installer). He makes a copy of the form and says he'll investigate and call me back. 3 months later I'm still looking at my pole and empty service box, still waiting on that call.
I can't seem to find anywhere in the town building code where a house or septic design are required to get power set up. Apparently this has been a problem for a number of people in town. If you have any recommendations, feel free to reply or create a new post with your own story.
Long story short; $5,500 later I bring the form to the town office. The lady behind the desk gives me attitude and says they aren't letting people hook up power unless they have a house on the property, but she'd ask Mike. He brings me back to his office and tells me he won't sign the form because I didn't go in the order he prefers, and he wants a septic design plan before power (which is funny because I later found out he is a certified septic tank installer). He makes a copy of the form and says he'll investigate and call me back. 3 months later I'm still looking at my pole and empty service box, still waiting on that call.
I can't seem to find anywhere in the town building code where a house or septic design are required to get power set up. Apparently this has been a problem for a number of people in town. If you have any recommendations, feel free to reply or create a new post with your own story.
Last modified by DP@f3e21c7d on Saturday 21st September 2024, 20:54:00
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